How To Hack Bluetooth Speaker

Hacking your Bluetooth speaker can give you more control over its features and functionality. Follow instructions carefully and at your own risk.
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Bluetooth speakers are everywhere these days, and most of us have at least a couple. They're great for when we want to listen to music, watch a video, or catch up on the news.

But did you know you can hack your Bluetooth speaker to make it do more than play your favourite songs?


We do not advocate hacking into other people's devices. It is illegal to unlawfully access another person's electronic devices without their consent.

The below information is a guide intended for enthusiasts, and, you should only hack your own devices - or, get consent from people who's devices you intend to hack.

With a bit of know-how, you can hack your Bluetooth speaker to do almost anything. From controlling your home's lights to making your Bluetooth speaker a portable karaoke machine.

How to Hijack or Hack a Bluetooth Speaker

Bluetooth technology has made listening to music from your smartphone and other devices more accessible. However, many speakers that were once plug-and-play have now been hacked, allowing you to play unauthorised music through music-playing devices like an Amazon Echo or Google Home. With hackers building "bluez0r" software, which is unrestricted, it's easy to build an app to communicate with your speaker to play music. However, if you'd rather play protected music, there are many ways to hack or hijack a Bluetooth speaker system.

Using KNOB (Key Negotiation of Bluetooth) to hijack Bluetooth speakers with iPhone

Bluetooth speakers are a popular commodity. You can find them at the mall, in your car, or on your desk. We will discuss how to hijack Bluetooth speakers with an iPhone using the KNOB (Key Negotiation of Bluetooth) attack.

KNOB is a crucial negotiation protocol that can be used to hijack Bluetooth speakers with iPhones. The attack will require a laptop and an iPhone with iOS 11 or higher installed.

The attacker needs to know the target device's MAC address, which is obtained by scanning for Bluetooth devices in range or by looking it up online. The attacker then configures their laptop as an access point and advertises the MAC address of the target device as its own MAC address. When the target device connects to the access point, it will allow an attacker to perform a man-in-the-middle attack and execute commands on behalf of the target. You can carry out this attack without prior knowledge of the target device's password and PIN. This allows attackers to install malware or spyware on devices without user interaction or consent.

Using KNOB (Key Negotiation of Bluetooth) To Hijack Bluetooth Speakers With Android

Bluetooth speakers are a popular way to listen to music. Now, we will learn how to hijack Bluetooth speakers with Android using the KNOB (Key Negotiation of Bluetooth) attack. A KNOB (Key Negotiation of Bluetooth) attack is an attack that hijacks the connection between two devices by sending an unexpected key during the process of negotiating a link key. The attacker can then take control of the connection and do whatever they want with it.

The Bluetooth stack as of Android 12 is vulnerable to KNOB attacks, and you can hijack devices in various ways, such as: Receiving an unexpected key while negotiating a link key to compromise the connection between two devices Eavesdropping on packets sent during the negotiation of a link key Storing a fake link key and stealing information from the device using this link keyKnob Hijacking Android 12

  1. Step 1: Prepare Volatility Framework on your system
  2. Step 2: Install BlueSoleil to ensure that the device is in discoverable mode
  3. Step 3: Analyse the packets and determine how to connect with the target device
  4. Step 4: Connect to the target device and perform your attack
  5. Step 5: Perform operations on the target device

How to Hack Bluetooth speaker Using Cmd

Bluetooth speakers are wireless speakers that you can use to play music from mobile devices. Bluetooth speakers are usually connected to a device with a Bluetooth connection, so hacking them is so easy. The hack is done by sending commands to the speaker via the Cmd prompt on Windows or Terminal on macOS. The commands will then allow you to control the speaker and play any audio file you want.

The first step in hacking a Bluetooth speaker is to find one that doesn't have any security. Any speaker with standard buttons will not be able to have its functionality hacked. We recommend looking on Amazon, or eBay, for a cheap device that you can use.

Next, download the Cmd prompt from the Windows or macOS App Store and open it up. You will need to change the name of your computer to something familiar like "Hacking" or "Test Computer" and put in your WiFi password.

This is because Bluetooth speakers have a hard time connecting to wireless networks that don't have their names. Once you've done this and found the correct IP address for your speaker, type cmd in the search bar and press enter, type "ipconfig," and hit enter.

This will show your devices connected to your network, including the Bluetooth device you are connected to. The address of this speaker will be on the line with a name next to it.

The next step is to find out the MAC address of this speaker. Type in "arp -a" in the cmd prompt to do that. This will show you devices connected to your network, including the Bluetooth device you are connected to.

Find the MAC address of this device and type it in. Make sure your Bluetooth speaker is turned on your laptop or computer; look at what light is on next to the speaker icon in windows or on the Bluetooth device. If it is red, then your speakers are turned off. If it is blue, then your speakers are turned on.

Type in "sudo ifconfig" and hit enter to find out what IP address your computer has assigned to itself. Then type in "sudo ipconfig" and enter to find out what IP address has been given to the Bluetooth device.

How to Hack Bluetooth Speaker with Termux 

Bluetooth speakers are the most popular wireless speakers of all time. They are easy to use, portable, and provide a high-quality sound. We will show you how to hack Bluetooth speakers with Termux. It is an open-source terminal emulator for Android that offers an environment for Linux system commands.

  1. Download the Termux app from the Play Store or F-Droid.
  2. Enable root access on your device and install busy box, termite, and python with the following commands:sudo su -c "busy box mount -o remount,rw /system" "su -c 'termite --enable -python-compile install'" "su -c 'python -m pip install termux'"
  3. Check if the Bluetooth is working with the following command:sudo su -c "bluezctl status."
  4. Enable audio output with the following command:
  5. Open Termux and type the following commands to get into your Bluetooth device:
  6. Create a file of your device with the following command:
  7. Connect to it with the following command:
  8. Now type the following commands to play a song on your Bluetooth speaker: e.g., Play songs on your Bluetooth speaker without pairing it:
  9. And that's all, you're done! You can also download the song from this link and use MPD to play it on your device.

How to Physically Hack A Bluetooth Speaker

We will discuss hacking a Bluetooth speaker by bypassing the Bluetooth connection instead of connecting the speaker wirelessly to an antenna. The hacker uses a small, low-power transmitter to send out radio waves picked up by the wire and transmitted to the speaker.

  1. Obtain a Bluetooth device that you can hack, such as a Bluetooth Headset or a Bluetooth speaker.
  2. Connect the wires to the desired device's antenna and its power source if it has one. If not, connect them to anything powered that can stand up.
  3. Find an area with no interference, like the top of a building with skyscrapers.
  4. Turn on the Bluetooth device and make sure that it is connected to an open network by looking at its LED or pressing the button/switch. Step 2 should show a blue light, and step 3 should show a green light if done correctly.
  5. Place the transmitter in any location within range of the receiver so that it is on.
  6. Turn on the Bluetooth device and make sure that it is connected to an open network by looking at its LED or pressing the button/switch. Step 2 should show a green light, and step 3 should show a blue light if done correctly.
  7. Turn off the transmitter and allow your Bluetooth device to do any connecting to the network that it needs to.


We conclude that you can hack any speaker with some basic hacking skills. The only trick is finding the loopholes.

About The Author
• Editor In Chief
José is a veteran audiophile with an MSc in Engineering, and a passion for sharing his audio knowledge with others.
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